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Sunsign Compatibility of
Pisces boy and Gemini girl

Pisces is water element. Gemini is air element. Water and air produces bubbles. Hence, it will be a lively combination. You should not allow anything to dampen this relationship. It is a fact that this is not a classical match.

Your partner requires lots of inspiring conversation with plenty of variety. Your lover likes to go outside to meet with friends or play. If your lover remains in home then your honey will be busy in reading books. You will be exhausted at the hectic activity of your lover. The interaction of your lover with people may exhaust your emotion. If your partner makes you out the reason for not going together in trip then everything will be alright.

If your lover faces any problem then Gemini loves to solve it intellectually and analytically. You rely on you instinct. You make deep and enduring touching attachments. But your lover normally connects to you without going down to the bottom of your soul. You do not satisfy with this kind of attitude of your partner. You want to be understood and loved. You love your honey emotionally and physically. You like to go through to the soul of your lover. Normally, you search for a real life partner who will arouse you through his or her love. But your partner will not do it. You do not think about any logic at the time of nuptial relation. Excessive romantic and strong Pisces may help Gemini to go close to the heart which a Gemini hardly thinks of. At the time of conjugal relation you take care about the step of making love extraordinary and fervent experience. To you, physical relation is incense, flowers, candles and gifts. Physical relation is not so much sensual as religious. You believe nuptial relation is the bonding of two hearts.

It may be an inspiring combination as your lover will bring a surrounding to you which you never see. Pisces and well as Gemini is mutable sign. Hence both of you have the capability of adjustment.

At the time of lovemaking your partner loves to hear adoring words. You also like that. Your partner will love you for reading some passages from the book at the time of lovemaking. This blending has the ability to make it an exciting one which will be full of information, concepts, friends and creativity. It will be a fantastic combination. So, Pisces you should go for Gemini.

Select Sunsigns

Boy's Sun Sign
Girl's Sun Sign